It’s Time to Fight!

I’m not going to mince my words.

What is happening right now in the Victorian Parliament is incredibly dangerous and has more than a passing resemblance to Germany in the mid-late 1930s.

Don’t get mad at me, instead take a moment to consider:

  1. Elected members of Parliament are barred from representing the people who elected them. (in other words, our Elections no longer decide who gets into parliament, whoever has a majority in parliament gets to exclude anyone else just because)
  2. An ‘Enabling Act’ is before the lower house right now, concentrating extraordinary executive power onto Daniel Andrews, without oversight or accountability to the parliament or anyone else.
  3. Included in this legislation is the capacity to imprison classes of people based on loosely defined characteristics which can pretty much mean anything that Daniel Andrews (or any future premier) wants it to.
  4. Entire classes of the Victorian Population are banned from many aspects of public life for ‘health reasons’.

Now you might argue, ‘but there’s a pandemic, this isn’t anything like Germany in the 1930s.’

Ok, sure. But what was the justification back then for the segregation? Why were the Juden excluded and kept separate?

Believe it or not the narrative early on was they were ‘disease spreaders’.

In the 1930s they weren’t talking about final solutions… they were just spreading division and hate, laying the foundations so that when they DID go to that level, the people would accept it.

In fact it’s likely H!tler hadn’t even decided to actually implement his ‘Final Solution’ until 1941 or even afterwards. Before that he was trying to force the Juden to leave or at least to be impoverished and excluded from society.

But here’s the clincher for me: What was done to you in the 1930s if you DID do business with one of these ‘disease spreaders’?

The police would issue you with a fine.

You couldn’t employ them, buy from them, or allow them to buy from you, at penalty of a fine or court appearances for repeat offenders.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Dysfunctional parliament, concentration of executive power, marginalising and excluding of entire classes of people…

Yes you can argue that it’s not the same because people can get jabbed and suddenly not be in the targeted class… but that doesn’t change the fact that there IS a targeted class, and Daniel Andrews is making it clear they will be targeted for at least all of next year, and by then all bets are off.

And yes you can argue everything’s fine because there’s an election in November next year… but he’s already excluded people we elected at the LAST election from representing us… what stops him from disrespecting the results of the NEXT election?

What stops him from banning the unjabbed from polling booths ‘for public health’?

Nothing. NOTHING stops him.

And whether or not he chooses to actually DO those things doesn’t change the fact that we’ve entered very dangerous territory where he or any future premier COULD do those things, and there’s nothing and no one that could stop them.

I’m not saying Daniel Andrews is H!tler, I don’t think that’s fair. I think he’s more of a Stalin.

And even if you LOVE DA, what happens when the Liberal Party get all these powers? What if a Peter Dutton type figure were to rise through the ranks of the Vic Libs and seize power?

Would you be happy that you concentrated all this power into the hands of one man if HE were the man wielding that power?

You can think I’m COMPLETELY wrong about Daniel Andrews, but it’s hard to argue that this concentration of power isn’t exceptionally dangerous and pretty much guarantees that at some point in the future our state is going to be faced with a tyrant at the top… if it isn’t already.

At the very least, think about it.

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